Here are ways you can get support to quit:

Stop smoking services - support from friendly trained professionals can triple your chances of successfully stopping smoking.

Medications and vaping - using other sources of nicotine such as e-cigarettes and stop smoking medicines can double your chances of successfully stopping smoking.

NHS remote support - good online advice from NHS Smokefree and the free Smokefree app can also help improve your chances of successfully stopping smoking.

Hearing other smokers’ success stories is a great motivator. If you want to share yours then you can tweet and use the hashtag #TodayIsTheDay or email to share your quitting story.

If you do not feel able to quit right now there are other steps you can take.

Protect others

Stop smoking services

Having the support from a service will mean regular one-to-one conversations with a trained professionals and access to medications.

Local authority funded stop smoking services can no longer be provided face to face as a result of COVID-19. Services are moving online and on to the telephone but things are having to change very rapidly. Find out what is available in your area.

For smokers in London, there is a new dedicated London-wide service: Stop Smoking London.

Medications and vaping

Drugs such as Champix and Zyban and alternative sources of nicotine have all been proven to reduce smokers’ urge to smoke, and increase the chances of successfully stopping smoking. Less harmful sources of nicotine include medicines known as nicotine replacement therapies, and e-cigarettes which are regulated as a consumer product.


Licensed nicotine replacement therapies (NRT), such as patches, gum, nasal sprays and nicotine inhalers are available to buy in pharmacies and supermarkets, as well as online. Many people benefit from using two kinds of NRT at the same time. A slower acting product (like a patch) and a faster acting product (like gum). You can also get NRT on prescription.

Champix and Zyban are only available on prescription so you will need to speak to your GP or local stop smoking service.

Most pharmacists can offer you advice about quitting but particularly about what medications to use. So, if you’re thinking about quitting speak to your local pharmacist.

For more information visit the NHS Smokefree advice page.


Many people find vaping products help them successfully stop smoking. Also known as e-cigarettes they have been shown to be effective. While not risk-free, vaping is much less harmful than continuing to smoke. Vaping products are available in supermarkets and pharmacists and you can buy online from specialist shops. Find a vape supplier.

For more information on e-cigarettes see the

NHS remote support

The NHS offer a number of ways to access some support without leaving your home.

Smokefree app

This Smokefree app can help you stop smoking by providing daily support and motivation. If you stay smokefree for the 4-week programme you’re up to 5 times more likely to quit for good. Plus, you can track the days you’ve been smokefree and see how much you’re saving!

Download the Smokefree app

Daily email support

Stay focused on quitting with support sent straight to your inbox. The Smokefree emails, sent every day for 28 days, are full of advice, tips and encouragement to help you achieve your goal.

Sign up for Smokefree email support